Since this is an important announcement, we felt obliged to explain it in English to visitors from overseas.

After our spring exhibition, April 3rd to 10th, DOLL DOLL is moving!
We are expected to go through considerable change over the next decade, due to construction work by the Seibu Line who will be transferring part of their railroad track to underground rails ongoing until 2020, and the subsequent redevelopment project in the vicinity of the railway station. We have been here for 35 years, having seen minor changes, but we realize, this time, it will be totally different. After consideration, we have decided to move, before all the construction work actually starts.

It has been our dream to have an atelier in a quiet residential area, so we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to take a step forward. Luckily, we found a lovely place, perfectly suitable for pursuing our careers in doll-making and needlework. We are very pleased that our dream has come true.

Business-wise, nothing much will change. We will continue our mail order and quarterly newsletter. We will keep providing you with information and photos of our dolls on our website. However, we regret to inform you that our new premises will have no space for a shop, which will regretfully mean that we will be unable to host any visitors. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these new circumstances may cause. We will be updating further events and activities, which may be beneficial to you, so please keep visiting our website!  

New Address:
3-27-2, Saginomiya
Nakano-ku, Tokyo 165-0032